Monday, July 7, 2008

The Absurdity of Retail

Being an English major, I understand the power of a carefully placed word more than anyone. So why on this green earth would anyone have chosen to name a brand of clothes aimed towards the over 50 woman "Sag Harbor"?! Of all things. SAG? Reallllly???!!! That sounds like a comment a witty 16 year old would make about his great aunt. "Her metaphorical boat has docked permanently in Sag Harbor".

The thing that really makes me laugh is the tagline for the brand. On the clothing tags it says "Sag Harbor: The Clothes I Wear". The clothes you wear why? "The clothes I wear...because my twins went south for the winter eight years ago and have yet to return".

Some guy over at the Kellwood Company must high five himself every morning knowing that he successfully marketed a frump brand of clothing under the name "Sag Harbor". Bravo, dude.


Scrangie said...

LMAO! That's so funny. I have *always* wondered about that name. I thought it was hilarious every time I saw it. I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds it strange!

Grace said...

Seeeriously. How did that get the green light?!